Saturday, December 28, 2019

Race and Religion in American Culture Essay - 1790 Words

Race and Religion in American Culture Race and religion are two concepts in American culture that can really tie people together, or clearly separate them apart. A group forged by strong common roots in both race and religion can be a powerful societal force, if it wants to be. The Nation of Islam is a small but growing religion in America that has become somewhat of a social movement because of its strong and radical ideas on race. In this paper, I will try to explore the beliefs of the Nation of Islam, and the ramifications it could and has had on racial relations in America. The Nation of Islam, or NOI, is a relatively new religion. The first temple of Islam was established in Detroit by Master Fard Muhammed in 1930. Much†¦show more content†¦Although the majority of black people in America do not consider themselves members of the NOI, the group still attempts to represent all black people. And, because of the strong messages of strength, unity, and betterment of the black race, the NOI reaches the hearts an d minds of many blacks as a driving social force, even if they don ¹t consider it their religion. Another major way the NOI impacts race relations is through the strong seemingly racist beliefs that are inherent to its theology. The NOI has always been open about its views. Not only have they always taught that the white man is the devil, but they believe that the battle of Armageddon will consist of a holy war between Islam and Christianity of which Islam will be the victors, representing the victory of black people over white people. (1) Jews are referred to as great enemies for no particular reason. The NOI has been viewed as a strongly anti-Semitic organization since the early eighties. (4) I think the NOI theology can best be understood as an example of power-conflict theory. First of all, the NOI is strongly against cultural assimilation for American blacks. They believe that black people should exist entirely apart from American (white) culture. Elijah Muhammed, an early an d extremely powerful leader who is now viewed as a deified human clearly taught against assimilation. (1) Since whites were inherently created as an evil andShow MoreRelatedRacial And Ethnic Identity : Racial Prejudice, Racism, And The Harsh Human Nature1306 Words   |  6 Pagesthe future. It will never change. Race, in a way, reinforces people’s identity. Most have manifested race as their own and as a unified group. This does not need to be a bad thing. If people can acknowledge their race as an opportunity to learn, think, and grow, they will realize and understand that having a post-racial word would be, in fact, a provocation to their cultural knowledge. The world will never reach a post-racial society because of culture, religion, and the harsh human nature. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Security Of The United States Security - 2131 Words

After the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, people in the United States knew that absolutely anything could happen without even thinking about it. This event made the government realize that the United States security was not the best it could be. There always has been security everywhere, but today everything is taken to another level and is being controlled with a great amount of precautions. Now there is a lot more airport security, which will help prevent any more hijacking of planes or bombings. There has also been a lot more security in New York City because of the terrorist attack. There are also new technologies and programs that help with the security of this country. After the attack in 2001, the United States government†¦show more content†¦The Department of Homeland Security had also formed a division to analyze intelligence gathered by the FBI, CIA, and many other police agencies and military agencies (Swanson, Charles R., Territo, Leonard, Taylor, Robert W., 90). Barack Obama appointed Janet Napolitano as the third secretary of the department and is also the governor in the area of terrorism and immigration reform. Napolitano has played an important role in strengthening border security by increasing forces along the border, and increasing resources and technology to aid in the fight against terrorism (Swanson, Charles R., Territo, Leonard, Taylor, Robert W., 90). The DHS has become an important role to the security of the public in the United States. Within this department, there was a color-coded threat system known as the Homeland Security Advisory System. There was red for severe risk of terrorist attacks, orange for high risk of terrorist attacks, yellow for significant risk of terrorist attacks, blue for general risk of terrorist attacks, and green for low risk of terrorist attacks (Homeland Security News, 2011). This system is being replaced by the National Terrorism Advisory System, which will more effectively communicate information about terrorist threats by providing timely, detailed

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Gift of Knowledge free essay sample

I was staring into the eyes of defeat, and hated it. It had been almost six months since three friends united in the belief that their lives could become more wholesomely fulfilled by a tangible touch on society. To my friends and me, the promise of 500 high-quality second-hand English books to a secondary school in India. They represented our most resolute commitment yet to society, and failure was hardly an option. Invigorated by the prospects of a self-initiated project, we set out with fierce vigor, searching for sponsors, and planning donation drives. Perhaps it was the naivety of a determined mind, but I believed nothing could stand in my way. Reality is the devil to an idealistic mind, and once again, it pitted its wits against mine. It appeared that I had grossly overestimated the need for companies to invest their capital in an initiative started by middle-school students, and their reluctance to participate dampened spirits. We will write a custom essay sample on Gift of Knowledge or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The donation drive posed problems as well; a constrained budget and network meant that the reach of our awareness campaign was sorely compromised. That was when doubt crept stealthily into my mind; it seemed far easier to give up and go on with our comfortable, routine lives. As I was jostling with demons of self-pity, a call from the headmaster jolted me to my senses. I realized I lacked the heart to mention my failures to a man who had made immense contributions to his nation’s education system. More importantly, I knew I was not a deserter. I still felt strongly for the impoverished children in a distant land, and suddenly I detested myself for ever entertaining the notion that I could leave them in a lurch with an unfulfilled promise. Belief and purpose renewed, I rallied my two disillusioned friends and set out on our project anew. Acknowledging our limited resources, we utilized them to the fullest, contacting potential sponsors and refusing to take no for an answer. Recognizing time constraints, we pressed on fearlessly, enduring many a sleepless night. Soon, the seeds we planted began to bear fruit. We obtained a sponsorship from a supportive non-profit organization and five charity events were held nationwide. Donations flowed in from all directions. 1150 books! I stared in disbelief at the mountain of books in my room. We had doubled our initial target! Three young men shamelessly cried, hugged and cried again. The taste of success was particularly sweet after we had so nearly given in to the bitterness of defeat. We tired up loose ends, and before long, were our way to deliver our goods to our beneficiary in India. Funnily enough, as you indulge in the joy of success, the months of exhausting preparation fade, vanishing into the past. As the smiles of hundreds of grateful children beamed up at me, I realized how terribly mistaken I had been. The thousand books were, in my mind, a major contribution to the Indian school; they were, in reality, a small repayment for a priceless life experience and lessons on compassion, determination and belief. These lessons accompanied me as I initiated a similar project to Vietnam the following year; they encouraged me when I entered my school’s students’ council to advocate change my more direct community; they guided me as I cultivated a keen interest in development economics and poverty in today’s society. I had hoped to change society; never did I expect to emerge from the encounter a changed man

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

What affects the bounce of a squash ball Essay Example

What affects the bounce of a squash ball Essay I hypothesize that the hotter the squash ball the more it will bounce.A squash ball is made up of a rubber sphere containing air. The air molecules in the ball will increase in speed as you heat it. Heat energy is then converted to kinetic energy. The speed the molecules hit the side with increase, which means the momentum of the molecules is increased. Newtons 2nd Law stated that the force is proportional to the rate of change of momentum.Greater rate of change of momentum means greater force. So it bounces more.But Force = PressureAreaAnd the surface area of the ball will remain constant. So the pressure inside the ball increases and if the pressure inside the ball is higher it will bounce higher.WILL BE KEPT CONSTANT* Mass Of ballMass of ball is made of a particular type of mass as given by the world governing bodies* Input ForceThis will be constant as simply dropping the ball will mean no force is being used.* Surface Bounced onDifficult to measure so lab floor will be used cons tantly.* HeightDropped from 1 metre* MaterialMaterial of ball is made of a particular type of mass as given by the world governing bodiesMethodHeat ball up then place it in a beaker of boiling water. Then measure the temperature and drop the ball in at 1m. Measure temperature of water to find out the temperature of squash ball.To get the ball at an accurate temperature the entire ball must be submerged. The ball will be taken out of the water as quickly as possible so heat loss would be about 20 seconds each time.Rubber isnt a good heat conductor so the ball will be kept submerged for a period of 2 minutes.The ball will be held at the 1 metre mark and then dropped. The height bounced will be recorded. Results will be recorded for each bounce. I will take 9 temperature readings and do each test 3 times and then average them.EquipmentSquash ballBunsen BurnerThermometerWater1 Metre rulerStopwatchTongsBeakerGauzeTripodStopwatchSafetyGoggles must be worn because of mercury in the thermom eter and the bunsen burner.Tongs will be used to handle squash balls because of high temperatures.Preliminary ReadingsBounced from 1 metreTemperatureBounce HeightAverageReading 1Reading 2Reading 320242832384045511113211521212627121418142122242810151772023273011.014.018.712.020.722.025.728.3ObservationFrom looking at my preliminary readings I have decided to do the experiment at 10 degree intervals.ProcedureI heated up the ball by placing it in a beaker of boiling water. I measured the temperature each time. I measured temperature of water to determine the temperature of squash ball.To get the ball at an accurate temperature I submerged the entire ball. The ball was taken out of the water as quickly as possible. I assumed heat loss each time was approximately 30 seconds.Rubber isnt a good heat conductor so the ball was kept submerged for a period of 2 minutes.The ball was held at the 1-metre mark and then dropped. This was because from the preliminary readings I found that I couldnt get adequate readings by dropping the ball from 1 metre. The height bounced was recorded by the naked eye. Although the ruler was accurate to 1mm I wasnt confident enough to read it to 1mm so I read it to 1 cm.Results were recorded for each bounce. I took 8 temperature readings so that I could get a better average and a better graph. I did each test 3 times and then averaged them.ResultsTempoC1st2nd3rdAverage2014181515.73025263027.04033333734.35042404542.36058605959.07066626965.78084858183.090.593909693.310010299104101.7AnalysisThe graph climbs up when the higher the temperature but it doesnt bounce as much, at higher temperatures. Below 0 degrees it doesnt bounce that much.The graph shows that the higher the temperature the higher it bounces which proves Newtons 2nd Law that the force is proportional to the rate of change of momentum. As the change of momentum inside the squash ball is caused by the heat.ConclusionI have found from my results that as the temperature of the ball get s hotter the height of the bounce gets higher. This proves Newtons second law of motion, which states that as the ball gets hotter the atoms get more energy and vibrate more.When the ball hits the surface then the atoms are pushed together and because they are vibrating more they push each other further away causing the ball to bounce higher.In this experiment the kinetic theory only lasted up to a certain temperature as temperature started to reach temperatures above 60 degrees the material started to melt.At 0 degrees Celsius the ball will still bounce as the atoms are still vibrating. The graph proves that the theory works for this experiment, as it is a slight curve to start with.However as the ball gets nearer the critical temperature the extra height it bounces becomes less and less. This is shown as the graph shows it is about to levels off.The sketch graph I drew in my prediction matched the real graph showing that the scientific understanding I used to explain my prediction was correct.EvaluationLooking at my results I can say that they were quite reliable and accurate. I had two anomalous results after an average of 9 measurements.I think that I did the experiment quite well although I found it hard to spot where the ball bounced up to. I have taken this into account as human error in accurately reading the where the ball bounced up to. It would have been better to record the bounce so I could zoom in and more accurately then I had done, however as I assume the human error was consistent and didnt affect my results too badly.To improve the experiment I would need to use specialist equipment like lasers so I could be sure where the ball bounced too as the surface I bounced it on, the lab floor, was in some places and I couldnt accurately control where it bounced as I made sure no input force was used to drop the ball.Another better way would have been if I used a squash ball made of a special material which could withstand higher temperatures so I cou ld have been able to carry on my experiment to see when the graph actually levels off.Also I would like to see what happened when the ball was at 0 degrees Celsius. However that would have meant using ice, which is a variable, I dont think I could have accurately kept at a suitable level to measure.I would like to do this to see whether the atoms still vibrated causing the ball to bounce. If it did I would like to carry on getting lower and lower to see whether there was a temperature where the atoms no longer vibrated (Which in theory is Absolute Zero which has never been reached).

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

History of Badminton free essay sample

Badminton was invented a long time ago; the game was played in ancient Greece and Egypt. Badminton came from a child’s game called battledore and shuttlecock. This game was played with two players hitting a feathered shuttlecock back and forth with tiny rackets. The game was called ‘Poona’ in India during the 18th Century. Badminton took its name from Badminton House in Gloucestershire, the ancestral home of the Duke of Beaufort, where the sport was played I the last century. Gloucestershire is now the base for the International Badminton Federation. The IBF formed in 1934 with 9 members- Canada, Denmark, France, Netherlands, England, New Zealand, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. The United States joined 4 years later. Membership increased steadily over the next few years with a surge in new members after the Olympic Games debut at Barcelona. The 1st IBF tournament was the Thomas Cup (Men’s world team championships) in 1948. Since then, the number of world events has increased to 7, with the addition of the Uber Cup (ladies’ team), World Championships, Sudiman Cup (mixed team), World Juniors, World Grand Prix Finals and the World Cup. We will write a custom essay sample on History of Badminton or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A turning point in badminton’s growth was the $20 million tripartite contract in 1994 for sponsorship of the World Grand Prix Finals. Under the terms of the deal between the IBF, IMG and STAR TV, STAR injects the monies into the promotion and development of badminton. In return STAR gains total exclusivity for the exploitation of the commercial and television rights to the WGP Finals. â€Å"The deal was good for both main parties†, said David Shaw, IBF’s Executive Director, who was brought into the organization with a brief to grow the sport. We needed a strong partner in television, and the broadcaster had identified badminton as a vehicle which would attract audiences across Asia to its Prime Sports Channel†. 1996 was a landmark in USA badminton. It’s not only the Atlanta Olympic Games that started to generate tremendous interest in the US market. In December 1995 the IBF introduced a new concept tournament in California, the Hong Ta Shan Cup; a me n’s invitation tournament with the best players and big prize money. There are now plans to add a women’s event and to increase the prize money to $200,000. This makes the event the most valuable World Grand Prix event in the series and gives it sex-star status. There are eight main Badminton Techniques or Skills: Badminton Grip, Badminton Footwork, Badminton Serve, Badminton Clears, Badminton Drop Shots, Badminton Smash, Badminton Drive, and lastly the Badminton Net Play. Starting with the Badminton Grip, Holding the racket wrongly will decrease your strokes power and accuracy. Your shots will be limited and therefore you will not enjoy the game as much let alone improve. There are two basic Badminton Grips, The Forehand Grip and the Backhand Grip. The Backhand Grip is used to hit shots that are on the backhand side of your body. You hold the racket as you would on a forehand grip and turn the racket anti-clockwise so that the V shape moves leftwards. Place your thumb against the back bevel of the handle for greater leverage and power. The Forehand Grip is used to hit shots that are on the forehand side of your body and around the head shots. You hold the racket head with your non-playing hand so that the handle points towards you; your racket face shall be perpendicular to the floor. You place your playing hand on the handle as if you are shaking hands with it. The rules for the Badminton scoring system are that a badminton match shall consist of the best of 3 games. In doubles and mens singles, the first side to score 15 points wins the game. In womens singles, the first side to score 11 points wins the game. If the score becomes 14-all (10-all in womens singles), the side which first scored 14 (10) shall exercise the choice to continue the game to 15 (11) points or to set the game to 17 (13) points. The side winning a game serves first in the next game. Only the serving side can add a point to its score.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Video game Essay Example

Video game Essay Example Video game Essay Video game Essay In this century, the mass media have come to rival with parents, school, and religion as the most influential institution in individuals lives. There has always been contemplation on whether media is the spark that ignites violence in individuals. Depictions of violence often glamorize vicious behavior. They offend the society and feel less able to respond to others in a sensitive, caring way. This essay will analyze the effects of violent media on the minds of individuals. While it focuses on media vastly, other contributing factors like emotional processing factors or exposure to violence might be reasons too. The Bobo doll experiment was conducted using children as samples and to see how they respond to the behavior they see (Bandura, A. , Ross, D. amp; Ross, S. A. , 1961) The subjects were 36 boys and 36 girls enrolled in the Stanford University Nursery School, with a mean age of 52 months. Subjects were divided into eight experimental groups of six subjects each and a control group consisting of 24 subjects. The idea of this experiment is to observe the behavior of the individual after watching an adult model act aggressively towards a Bobo doll. There are different variations of the experiment. The most notable experiment measured the individuals behavior after seeing the model get rewarded, punished or experience no consequence for beating up the Bobo doll. It was seen that male subjects, for example, exhibited more physical (t  = 2. 07,  p  lt; . 05) and verbal imitative aggression (t  = 2. 51,  p  lt; . 05), more non-imitative aggression (t  = 3. 5,  p  lt; . 025), and engaged in significantly more aggressive gun play (t  = 2. 12,  p  lt; . 05) following exposure to the aggressive male model than the female subjects. According to Bandura and Ross (1961) prediction that exposure of subjects to aggressive models increases the probability of aggressive behavior is clearly confirmed as the individuals imitate the models behavior by showing physical and verbal aggr ession. The researcher concludes that when violent media is observed or watch children tend to act the same way. It is widely believed by many researchers that exposure to violent media causes desensitization towards violence, making violence seems alright and in turn increasing their aggression. The analysis of Carnagey, Anderson and Bushman(2007) examine, how media not only influences violence but a fresh insight towards the desensitization to real life violence. The participants were 257 college students (124 men and 133 women) who received extra course credit in exchange for their voluntary participation. All participants were tested individually and were told that the purpose of the study was to evaluate different types of media. After consent procedures were completed, 5  min baseline HR (Heart rate) and GSR (Galvanic Skin Response) measurements were taken, using finger electrodes placed on the three middle fingers of the non-dominant hand. After 5  min, the experimenter removed the electrodes. Participants played a randomly assigned violent or nonviolent video game for 20  min. Next, participants watched a 10-min videotape of real violence in four contexts: courtroom outbursts, police confrontations, shootings, and prison fights. In one scene, for example, two prisoners repeatedly stab another prisoner. HR and GSR were monitored continuously while they watched the real-life violence. The results demonstrate that playing a violent video game, even for just 20  min, can cause people to become less physiologically aroused by real violence. Participants randomly assigned to play a violent video game had relatively lower HR and GSR while watching actual footage of people being beaten, stabbed, and shot than did those randomly assigned to play a nonviolent video game. With recent developments, the process of mind mapping also known as Stroop tests( Kalnin et al, 2010) have helped identify the relationship between brain activation and history of media violence exposure in adolescents. 22 controls and 22 adolescents with a past of aggressive behavior completed an emotional Stroop task during an fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging). The foremost images pointed out that controls with a past of low media violence exposure exhibited more activity in the inferior frontal gyrus and rostral anterior cingulated. On the other hand, in the individuals that had past of aggressive behavior demonstrated less activation in the right Amygdala, compared with those with low media violence exposure. It safe to assess that media violence may affect individuals in different ways depending on the presence of aggressive traits but will still affect an individual (Kalnin et al, 2010). While violence is not new to the human race, it is an increasing problem in modern society. With greater access to firearms and explosives, the scope and efficiency of violent behavior has had serious consequences. Today 99% of homes have televisions. According to Pediatrics(2001), of all animated feature films produced in the United States between 1937 and 1999, 100% portrayed violence, and the amount of violence with intent to injure has increased through the years. On average, children ages 6-11 spend 42 hours a week in front of a TV- watching television, DVDs, DVR and videos, and using a game console. Kids ages 12-16 spend about 32 hours a week in front of the TV. The vast majority of this viewing (97%) is of live TV ( Med, n. d). Televised violence and the presence of television in American households have increased steadily over the years, resulting in violent behavior. Like there are two sides to a coin there are also other factors that induce violence, according to Ferguson, Miguel amp; Hartled (2009) who claim that while others claim a positive relationship between both violence and the media, they believe so otherwise. Violence has become a serious public health problem with children and adolescents suffering greater victimization than any other age group (Finkelhor amp; DziubaLeatherman, 1994). Media to a certain degree is a causation factor of violence, but there are other factors as well. One such factor discussed in the journal is â€Å"emotional susceptibility†. It is defined as the tendency to experience feelings of discomfort, helplessness, inadequacy and vulnerability according to Caprara (1985, cited in Bushman, B. J, amp; Green, G. R). Studies have agreed- and disagreed – the verdicts of whether or not exposure to violent media indeed induces violence. All these findings are done in order to arrive at a simple conclusion while taking account the exposure, the length of exposure and other factors surrounding the individual. These studies have their banes and their boons, and when looked at all together one’s advantage covers up another’s disadvantage like in all situations. In conclusion, it can be ascertained that if violent media is not the main factor, it is still an important constituent in deciding violence. References Bandura, A. , Ross, D. amp; Ross, S. A. (1961). Transmission of aggression through imitation of aggressive models. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 63, 575-82. Retrieved from http://psychclassics. yorku. ca/Bandura/bobo. htm

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ethical Issues in nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ethical Issues in nursing - Essay Example The level to which the DNP nurses meet the moral act of social responsibility is similarly the level to which this feature of the DNP will be moral or not. One significant ethical issue is justice as fairness. This moral principle of fairness means giving individuals what they are owed or due. Concerning the DNP and this moral principle of justice as fairness, issues relating to this arise when there is prejudicial dissemination of limited resources. The second one is do no harm. This moral principle comprises of protecting individuals from harm, offering benefits for them, and not harming them. Issues occur when there is lack of sufficient data to merit the DNP programs (Peirce & Smith, 2008). Task 2 The issue of justice as fairness can be compared to the act of prioritizing one patient over another. This is when nurses tend to select specific patients based on the simplicity of their cases or how they are related to the patient. Secondly, the do no harm issue can be compared to the issues of not offering good services to the patients and not caring about how they are getting on with medication. This shows the nurse lacks passion in what he or she is doing, and this may harm the patient as he or she may feel neglected (Ulrich et al., 2010). This norm is foundational to how the nurses have to act and think when endorsing important alterations in nursing like the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) that has an impact not only to the nurses but also to the larger society.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Investment and Portfolio Managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words

Investment and Portfolio Managment - Essay Example Investors must take account of the interplay between asset returns when evaluating the risk of portfolio at a most basic level; for example, an insurance contract serves to reduce risk by providing a large payoff when another part of the portfolio is faring poorly. A fire insurance policy pays off when another asset in the portfolio-a house or factory, for example-suffers a big loss in value. The offsetting pattern of returns on these two assets (the house and the insurance policy) stabilizes the risk of the overall portfolio. Investing in an asset with a payoff pattern that offsets exposure to a particular source of risk is called hedging. Anther means to control portfolio risk is diversification, whereby investments are made in a wide variety of assets so that exposure to the risk of any particular security is limited. By placing one's eggs in many baskets, overall portfolio risk actually may be less than the risk of any component security considered in isolation. So, using portfolio is very much important in investment decision-making Prof Stein should protect the value of his shares before the company issues an IPO by using derivative products such as options, forwards and futures. Derivative products help to avoid risk of price fluctuations and others. In hedging, Derivatives are tools for changing the firm's risk exposure. A derivative is a financial instrument whose payoffs and values is derived from, or depends on, something else. For example, an option is a derivative. The value of a call option depends on the value of the underlying stock on which it is written. Actually; call options are quite complicated examples of derivatives. The vast majority of derivatives are simpler than call options. Most derivatives are forward or futures agreements or what are called swaps. An unlimited variety of payoff patterns can be achieved by combining puts and calls with various exercise prices. Some strategies are discussed below: Protective Put: Under this one would like to invest in a stick, but one is willing to bear potential losses beyond some given level of investing in the stock alone seems risky to one because in principle one could lose all the money one invest. One might

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Graphic design is the branch of visual art Essay

Graphic design is the branch of visual art - Essay Example By effectiveness, we mean how much power a design has to motivate people or help them identify a company. For example, where a one or two letter sign may be effective in identifying a company such as BP, it is not effective for another company simply identified as B. Plus; presentation of an idea does not necessarily mean it was communicated accurately. A scribbled "keep off grass" sign is not as effective as a neatly designed "keep off grass" sign with an appropriately designed logo. Also, just because a sign communicates effectively does not mean what it communicates is good. Governments have become masters at influencing citizens with graphic design by communicating messages sometimes to support darkly political objectives. Graphic design is the branch of visual art dedicated to communicating messages. It is most used in marketing and brand recognition strategies. Having watch and listened to a video of a talk about design given by David Carson, I walk away with certain understandings about graphic design.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Lung Disorders and Illnesses

Lung Disorders and Illnesses Emphysema Emphysema is a disorder in which the alveolar walls are destroyed. This is a result from a breakdown in the lungs normal defense mechanisms, which is the alpha-antitrypsin, against enzymes protease and elastase, which attacks and destroys the connective tissue of the lungs. Difficult expiration is the result of the destruction of the walls between the alveoli, partial airway collapse and loss of elastic recoil which be caused by smoking. As the alveoli collapse, pockets of the air form the alveolar spaces and within the lung parenchyma. This process leads to increased ventilator dead space from areas that do not participate in gas or blood exchange. The work of breathing is increased because there is less function at lung tissue to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. Individual with emphysema shows productive cough, decreased exercise tolerance, wheezing, shortness of breath, prolonged expiration and barrel chest presentation. To diagnose this condition, doctors will arrange for the person to have lung function test. Spirometry is used to measure the volume of air that the individual can inhale and exhale over a period of time. The result will show whether the airways are narrowed as a result of lung disorder, this test can also tell if the bronchodilator drugs prescribed, to widen the airways, are effective. Individual may have X-ray and CT scanning to assess the extent of damage to the lung and to exclude other disorders and look for evidence of lung tissue damage. Doctor will prescribe an inhaler containing a bronchodilator drug to open up the airways of the lungs by relaxing muscles of the bronchial walls, some will have oxygen therapy to relieve shortness of breath and antibiotics may be prescribed if a chest infection develops. Smoking and air pollution causes inflammation in the airways leading to the destruction of lung tissue. Smoking also weakens the immune system, which causes the lungs to be susceptible to infections resulting to decreased elasticit y leading to gradual destruction of lung function. Pneumoconiosis This is also known as the dust disease, result from inhalation of minerals, notably silica, coal dust or asbestos. This disease is commonly seen in miners, construction workers, sandblasters, potters and foundry and quarry workers. Pneumoconiosis usually develop gradually over a period of years, eventually leading to diffuse pulmonary fibrosis or progressive fibrosis of lung tissues that diminishes lung capacity and produces restrictive lung disease. Disease is caused by very small particles that are inhaled going through the bronchioles and alveoli that cannot be removed that eventually accumulate causing scarring and thickening of the lining of the lungs until it loses its ability to supply oxygen through out the body, while larger particles are trapped by mucus on upper respiratory tract and expelled by coughing. Early clinical manifestations are cough and dyspnea on exertion. Chest pain, productive cough and dyspnea at rest, loss of appetite, respiratory failure develops as the c ondition progresses and may lead to death. Pneumoconiosis can be diagnosed by using chest x-ray and pulmonary function test. Doctor will prescribe medication called bronchodilators that open airways. Other treatments would be avoiding all dust exposures, use of oxygen and stop smoking. Cystic Fibrosis Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a hereditary, chronic disease characterized by abnormal secretions of the exocrine glands that causes body secretions to be thick and abnormal. Cystic fibrosis is present at birth and the abnormal genes are inherited from both parents. This order affects the sweat glands, respiratory system, digestive tract and reproductive tract. Cystic used to be considered a pediatric problem because it was fatal in childhood. However, advances in early diagnosis and treatment, including antibiotics, chest physiotherapy and nutrition programmes have extended the median life expectancy into mid 30s. A newborn baby with CF may have swollen abdomen and may not pass thick, sticky faeces passed by newborn infants for the first few days following birth. Other symptoms usually develop later in infancy and may include recurrent chest infection; constant cough develops, producing large amounts of sticky mucus. As CF progresses, the lung disorder bronchiectasis may occur, where the m ain airways are abnormally widened. An early diagnosis improves the long-term outlook by helping to prevent damage to the lungs in infancy. If the doctor suspects that a child has the condition at birth or later in infancy, a sweat test may be carried out to look for abnormally high levels of salt in the babys sweat. A sample of blood may also be tested to look for the abnormal gene. If the test result is found to be positive, siblings of the affected child can also be tested. Treatment for the cystic fibrosis is aimed at slowing the progression of lung disease and maintaining adequate nutrition. Chest physiotherapy is usually performed to remove secretions from the lungs; they sometimes require intravenous antibiotics to eliminate bacteria that become established in the lung secretions. Inhaled drugs can also help to reduce the stickiness of the secretions in the lungs. If the lungs are severely damaged, it may be possible to carry out a heart-lung transplant. Gender and lifestyle are not significant factors for this disease.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Eulogy for Son :: Eulogies Eulogy

Eulogy for Son William was a very special person. His good qualities are endless. Since he was just a child, I always remember William sticking up for the family. When his sister, Lisa, was a baby, William would sit outside her room with a mask and cape on ready to rescue her in case she started crying. And, if William’s father or I were making too much noise, he was always quick to fly downstairs and tell us to keep quiet so not to disturb his little sister. That’s just the kind of person William was. He was a hero to all of us. As I look out into the crowd, I can’t help but see just how many lives William has touched. As a psychiatrist, but more importantly as a friend, William was able to come to the aid of those in need. He was a shoulder to lean on, always willing to lend a hand to help someone out, always willing to listen to someone’s problems and take the time to help resolve them. It would take me an eternity to list off all the special ways William has made a difference in my life. Whenever I was upset, whenever I needed someone, William’s sense of humor cheered me right up. No one can feel sad when William is around. I’ll always remember William as a person who was constantly finding humor in life no matter what the occasion. He was so full of life. It’s hard to imagine how I’m going to go a day without speaking to him because he’d call me every single day. I know he was a very busy man, but he would never forget to take the time to call me to see how I was. It’s the little things like that I’ll never forget about him. Although William’s death was sudden and came as a shock to all of us, I know in my heart he would not want for us to spend forever grieving. Rather, William would want us all to remember our favorite moments we spent with him. So, if you would all just take a quick minute or two to think about a happy time shared with him†¦ William’s life was far too brief, but he was able to accomplish many things.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Motivation of Psychology Graduate Essay

The researchers aim to determine the coping strategies and level of motivation of selected Psychology graduates with regards to their personal problems in District One Laguna. Specifically, the researchers seek to establish answer to the following questions. 1. What is the level of motivation of the psychology graduates with regards to their personal problems? 2. What are the coping strategies employed by the psychology graduates with regards to their personal problems? 3. Is there a significant relationship between the coping strategies and level of motivation of selected Psychology graduates with regards to their personal problems? 4. What are the factors affecting the level of motivation of selected Psychology graduates in district one Laguna? 5. How do the Psychology graduates employ their major academic subjects they studied in dealing with their personal problems? 6. Is their course Psychology helpful to keep their selves motivated? 7. Do Psychology graduates have an advantage in terms of coping stressful life events? 8. Do Psychology graduates still implement what they have studied after graduating? 9. What is the major difficulty that they have encountered in their personal lives?

Friday, November 8, 2019

Recommendations for the International Community

Recommendations for the International Community The economic recessions that the world has been experiencing can not be prevented without a collective effort from the international community. The current global economy is characterized by high unemployment rates, social inequality and lack of proper regulations which have led to economic instability in many countries around the world (Danes, 2008). The international community has been reluctant to come up with appropriate measures to prevent present and future economic recessions.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Recommendations for the International Community specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The current global economic model does not enhance accountability in the global financial system and this has been one of the major causes of recent economic recessions (Danes, 2008). Developing countries find it difficult to sustain their debts and this is always a major challenge to trade and investment. This paper will disc uss how the international community can work together to protect the global economy from recession. The international community should come up with global solutions to prevent global economic recessions (Carbaugh, 2011). Each country should come up with necessary structural reforms that can streamline the financial system and at the same time deal with all internal economic imbalances. Good economic governance plays a critical role in creating the necessary conditions for economic growth (Carbaugh, 2011). The leadership in every country should take good care of public resources as a way of enhancing economic sustainability. Good governance ensures that necessary financial firewalls are put in place to promote global economic sustainability (Nanto, 2009). The leadership in the financial sector can prevent or trigger an economic recession depending on how it controls the financial market. All economic unions around the world should come up with structures that can promote economic sus tainability in their respective regions (Nanto, 2009). Communication among members of the international community is very critical in protecting the global economy from recession (Nanto, 2009). Some of the past economic recessions were caused by lack of communication among nations. Timely communication brings certainty when it comes to the global economic situation. Communication can help in preventing economic failures because it is a good sign of global solidarity (Danes, 2008). Global economic development depends on the collective effort of all members of the international community. Communication enhances international coordination when dealing with the effects of an economic recession (Danes, 2008). Global solidarity provides the international community with a good opportunity to implement economic policies that can help in protecting the global economy from a recession.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first pa per with 15% OFF Learn More International financial institutions are very critical in determining the global economic outlook and therefore the international community should come up with necessary reforms to prevent the current chaos in the international capital market (Danes, 2008). Developing countries should be given an equal representation in global financial institutions for them to participate in the process of making economic decisions. All governments should play their role in enhancing global economic stability (Nanto, 2009). The regulatory systems of global financial institutions should be harmonized and strengthened through the collective effort of all members of the international community. The international community should work together to remove all trade barriers in order to enable every country to realize its full potential when it comes to international trade (Nanto, 2009). Many developing countries have suffered for a very long time as a result of unfair trading systems. The international trading system should be streamlined in order to eliminate all current imbalances that can lead to an economic recession (Danes, 2008). The international community should come up with a trading system that is predictable and fair to all regions. Debt vulnerability is another critical issue that the international community should tackle as soon as possible to protect the global economy from recession (Danes, 2008). It is estimated that almost 130 developing countries have budget deficits and are not in a better position to enter the loan market (Nanto, 2009). The international community should come up with legal mechanisms to deal with all speculative activities that lead to high debts. The international community should not put restrictions on countries with high debts but should instead encourage them to increase productivity. International lending and borrowing should be guided by principles that ensure accountability (Nanto, 2009). The m ajority of global economic problems are caused by issues to do with the exchange rate. It is the responsibility of the international community to put in place efficient warning systems to control all problems related to exchange rates (Danes, 2008). The international community should regulate the global monetary supply to curb liquidity problems. In conclusion, the responsibility of protecting the global economy from recession lies with the international community. The international community should work together to prevent present and future worldwide economic recessions. Economic development is a collective initiative and all economic barriers can only be overcome if nations work together to deal with global economic issues (Nanto, 2009).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Recommendations for the International Community specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Global economic recessions are caused by lack of proper regulatio ns, high debts, poor economic governance, exchange rate issues and failure by international financial institutions to maintain the required financial stability. The international community should come up with proper institutional and legislative reforms to ensure that no country is disadvantaged when it comes to international trade (Danes, 2008). References Carbaugh, R. (2011). International economics. New York, NY: Cengage Learning. Danes, H. (2008). Surviving a global economic crisis. London: Xulon Press. Nanto, D. (2009). The global financial crisis: Analysis and policy implications. London: DIANE Publishing.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Sherlock Essays - Fictional Detectives, Sherlock Holmes Films

Sherlock Essays - Fictional Detectives, Sherlock Holmes Films Sherlock Hello Mrs. Peng! Im Song Lan majoring in law. My presentation is about a TV drama! Nowadays, many people enjoy American TV series much, but I prefer British TV series for their more sophisticated story lines and more delicate screen. BBCs Sherlock is one of them that I love the most. As you know, Sherlock Holmes is one of most famous and popular fictitious characters in whole world who was created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Holmes is a brilliant "consulting detective", living in Victorian London. He is famous for his astute logical reasoning, his ability to adopt almost any disguise, and his use of forensic science skills to solve difficult cases. His stories have been adapted to the screen for many times, but this time is quite different from the others. In fact, BBCs Sherlock is a crime drama that presents a contemporary update of Sherlock Holmes detective stories. It stars Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes and Martin Freeman as Holmes assistant and intimate friend Doctor John Watson. Six episodes, broadcast since 2010, have been produced, with three more episodes scheduled to begin production in March 2013. The series has been sold to over 180 territories. Holmes fans all over the world get quite excited about it because Sherlock Holmes has never been so young before. In this drama, he is just a modern citizen living in the same era with us which makes audiences feel that they havent ever been so close to this legendary figure. No more Victorian carriage, cloak and flog, Sherlock is full of modern factors such as cab, escalator and billboard and so on. You can see an amazing panoramic view of modern London in the title of this drama. And there are some famous London landmark, the Thames, London Eye, the Big Ben. In the play, Sherlock Holmes is a tall man with a replaces the pipe with multiple nicotine patches, and he surfs the Internet on his laptop and iphone to collect information needed to solve cases alongside his partner Dr John Watson. The update also maintains some traditional elements of the stories, such as the Baker Street address and Sherlock Holmes' archenemy Moriarty. Although the events of the books are transferred to the present day, canonical elements are incorporated into the story. For example, in the original book John Watson was invalided home after serving in the Second Anglo-Afghan War. While Martin Freeman's Watson has returned from military service in Afghanistan in modern time also makes sense.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Black women in modern science fiction media Essay

Black women in modern science fiction media - Essay Example Marleen Barr is one of the people who have written some of the greatest works of literature created by black women. She particularly acknowledges Octavia E. Butler and Toni Morrison by saying that they stand to be remembered as major contributors towards the emergence of black science fiction (Thomas 105). Halle Berry is one of the greatest black women-actresses in the world of cinematography. One of her works as an actress in the film titled X-men has been said to be the embodiment of what fits perfectly the way Frank Norris defines American novel (Thomas 105). This research was inspired by the quest of finding out more of the journey that the black women have tread in the field of art. This research will evaluate the role of gender and race and how the two have hindered artists in their various endeavors (Barr 7). It will start with the 1920s black-art movements followed by its evolution and, finally, look at black artists in the contemporary society. â€Å"People need to imagine how it is like having the entire society aligned against you,† these were the words said by one of the greatest black women fiction writers named Butler (Barr 255). Her attitude of having the outside perspective of the whole situation made her prosper in her work. Other black women science fiction writers at the time just sought to understand the situation from the victim’s side. While they complained about their rights and how their work is undermined, Butler took the opportunity to make the world understand why people behave the way they do. She advised her fellow black women that they cannot run away from repulsion because people’s strengths hinder them from accepting other people’s differences. Barr (8) suggests that if other black women could have had exactly the same attitude, they could have had an easy trend through the field of science fiction. A writer named A. Scott once said that a griffin and a

Friday, November 1, 2019

Social Media Users in Finland and Poland Assignment

Social Media Users in Finland and Poland - Assignment Example In July 2012, during the 16 International Christian Internet Congress staged in Munich, the attending church representatives unanimously agreed there was need for Christian organizations to boost their internet connective and interaction through social media. The outcome of the Munich conference was later discussed by Christian leaders in Finland in their annual meeting. Although only 35% of Finnish Christians use Facebook and other social sites, churches had lost more forty thousand faithful in less than four months. This served as an indication of how important social media are in wooing loyalist including fundamentalist. Churches therefore saw the need to retain their flocks by going socially online. It is from then that religious institutions adjusted their marketing strategy. Churches went ahead to appoint a team of delegates to investigate the role of social media in the modern society and also respond onslaught of social media criticisms. Instead, churches in Finland and the r est of Europe proposed new ways of positively using social media to preach the gospel and win new converts. Churches therefore launched an interactive social websites where their followers can post comments, videos, blogs, and pictures which would encourage other website followers. However, because of increasing cases of hacking, churches were forced to deploy experts and administrators to manage and integrate their sites (Scott, & Scott, 2011, p.63-4). The increasing use of online and digital communication technologies.... From political, corporate, to religious, all the organizations currently embrace social networks or media. Churches across Finland and Poland were surveyed on their how active to they use social media as a marketing base. The result polled by Buzzplant marketing agency revealed that these institutions often used social media to popularize themselves. Even millennium old institutions were found to have joined social network train. The survey covered about 250 churches in Finland on their position towards social media. Surprisingly, the finding of the survey established that religious institutions strongly believed on the effectiveness of social media form of outreach (Scott, 2010, p.89). Over forty six percent of the respondents indicated their preference of social media as an effective way of reaching out to their followers with only 25% of them preferring knocking on the door, and 6% indicating that TV is a better way of gaining numbers. Similar to Poland, Facebook and twitter were the most popular social networks for a large number of religious followers. This was evidence by the frequency at which these churches updated their Facebook or twitter pages on a daily account (Armfield, & Holbert, 2003, p.129). In July 2012, during the 16 International Christian Internet Congress staged in Munich, the attending church representatives unanimously agreed there was need for Christian organizations to boost their internet connective and interaction through social media. The outcome of the Munich conference was later discussed by Christian leaders in Finland in their annual meeting. Although only 35% of Finnish Christians use Facebook and other social sites, churches had lost more forty thousand faithful in less than four months. This served as an indication of how

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Color and Congenital Blindness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Color and Congenital Blindness - Essay Example It is a very shoddy fallacy to suggest that one who is blind is unable to see anything at all as blindness has various segregated levels, each of which is measurable and each of which highlight the fact that there are various discrepancies in blindness itself. The group of people who are totally blind and cannot visualize and state such as those of darkness and light are called "NLPS". Then there are people who can partially identify illuminations of black and white (dark or bright) and finally there are people who not only identify but can also point out toward the direction of the lighting source. This further advocates the fact discussed above that blind people too have a partial sense of visualization. Color blindness is another abnormal condition which is misunderstood. It is characterized by the incapability to evidently differentiate dissimilar colors of the band. The difficulties can range from mild to severe and generally color blind people do have partial vision. It is an ambiguous phrase since people with color sightlessness are not blind, while they generally visualize colors in a restricted variety of shades. Generally color blind people do have partial vision and it is very rare that those who are color blind may not see any colors at all. a) The majority of the visual impairments are caused either by illness or by undernourishment. Both of them either affect the brain or straightforwardly harm the eye. There is a growing threat of congenital blindness in the countries that are facing a food scarcity and have not been able to overcome it. b) The next factor that mostly influences the occurrence of blindness or color blindness is injury to the eye. Even though they are accidental in nature, such injuries can fully take away a human being's sight or the ability to distinguish between colors. Hence it is very important, that these injuries are treated as soon as possible to avoid complexities and further harmful implications. c) Genes also have a major role to play in finding out whether a person is blind or not. On a general note, individuals with albinism experience from visual mutilation to the scope that majority are declared blind legally, despite the fact that only some of them are unable to see. d) A minute bit of all cases of sightlessness is by means of the ingestion of some chemicals. A common example is a chemical known as methanol that is considered a cheaper and regular alternate for alcoholic beverages. Now that we have discussed the various types and factors behind blindness it is necessary to observe how an eye works and consequently have a glance at the various reasons behind color blindness. The usual retina of a human being has a couple of types of light sensitive cells: the rod cells, which are vigorous in low light and the cone cells, which are lively in normal daylight. Generally, there are three kinds of cones, each containing a different pigment and in effect covering the entire gamut of colors. An irregularity in any one of theses comes is the reason for a human being to be color blind. The main types of color blindness are stated as under: a) Dichromatic: This case takes place when one of the cone pigments is absent and color is condensed to a couple of dimensions. The people affected by this try to use the remaining two cones to

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Role of Superstition Essay Example for Free

The Role of Superstition Essay Superstition is a recurring theme in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Superstition is defined in Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 10th Edition as â€Å"a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance. † Mark Twain effectively uses superstition to both foreshadow events and to contrast the personalities of the characters in the book. The â€Å"more sivilized† characters of the book do not believe in superstition, but the less educated characters, such as Huck and Jim, often make decisions based on their belief in superstition. While several of the lesser characters in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn believe in superstitions, it is Huck and Jim, the two main characters of the novel, who reveal that they live according to their superstitions. For example, in Chapter 4, Huck, who is then staying at Widow Douglas’ house, sees a spider crawling up his shoulder. He flicks the spider and it lands in a burning candle, shrivels up and dies. â€Å"I flipped it off and it lit in the candle; and before I could budge, it was all shriveled up. I didn’t need anyone to tell me that was an awful bad sign† (p. 3). According to Huck, killing a spider can bring bad luck. In an effort to reverse the bad omen, Huck turns around three times, each time crossing his breast, and then ties up a little lock of his hair to keep the witches away. Huck isn’t even sure this ritual will work for killing a spider, as it was intended for another bad omen, but he feels compelled to try to do something, so strong are his superstitious beliefs. Huck encounters another superstition Chapter IV of the novel. Huck, who is living with the Widow Douglas, spills the salt and immediately tries to reverse the bad luck by tossing the salt over his left shoulder. Miss Watson, who has recently come to live with her sister, the Widow Douglas, stops him, however, and this causes Huck to worry because he cannot finish his ritual. â€Å"I reached over for some of it as quik as I could to throw over my left shoulder to keep off the bad luck†¦feeling all worried and shaky, and wondering where it was going to fall on me, and what it was going to be† says Huck (p. 13). Miss Watson, along with Widow Douglas, along with many of the more civilized people of the novel do not believe in superstitions the same way as do slaves and less civilized people. Miss Watson will not let Huck toss the salt over his shoulder because she is trying to provide him with a good civilized and educated upbringing. According to Jim, one of the worst things you can do is touch a snakeskin. Huck does just this after faking his death at the cabin and discovering Jim at Jackson Island. The first sign that the snakeskin is actually causing bad luck is when Huck decides to play a trick on Jim. Huck takes the dead rattlesnake that he has killed and put it near where Jim will be sleeping in the cave to scare him. Huck forgets that a snake’s mate curls up beside its dead mate. When Jim got into bed that night the dead snakes mate bites Jim on the heel, causing Jim to be unable to walk for a time. Touching a snakeskin is supposed to be so bad that Jim says that he would rather look at a new moon a thousand times over his left shoulder than touch a snakeskin. â€Å"I awluz ‘spected dat rattlesnake-skin waren’t done wid it’s work† (p.90) says Jim after his and Huck’s raft is torn apart by the steamboat. Jim, who tends to be more superstitious than Huck, introduces Huck to many superstitions he had never heard before. According to Jim, †¦you mustn’t count the things you are going to cook for dinner, because that would bring bad luck. The same if you shook the tablecloth after sundown. And he said if a man owned a beehive and that man died, the bees must be told about it before sunup next morning, or else the bees would all weaken down and quit work and die (p.39). When Huck decides to catch some young birds â€Å"flying a yard or two at a time and lighting†(p. 39), Jim will not let him because he says it will bring death. â€Å"He [Jim] said his father laid mighty sick once, and some of them catched a bird, and his old granny said his father would die, and he did. † (p. 39). It is generally believed that many of the superstitions found in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn originated with the slaves and then spread throughout the South. Through his writing, Mark Twain infers to the reader that mainly the slaves, the uneducated, and the unreligious believed in the superstitions. Huck, being poor and uneducated, believed in them because his Pap, who was found with a cross in his boot to keep the witches away, raised him to believe that way. Likewise, Jim, who was a slave, also believed in superstitions. The theme of superstition in the book by Twain serves two purposes – it makes the reader wonder what will happen next and also accurately portrays the various levels of society of the time.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Sociological Imagination Essay examples -- Sociology

To understand the term `Sociological Imagination', it is important to identify what Sociology is and what do sociologists study. It is also vital to look at the three basic concerns of the sociological imagination or perspective, which include Social Structure, Social Institutions and Social Processes. Moreover, it is necessary to understand what C. Wright Mills means when he mentions "the personal troubles of milieu" and "the public issues of social structure", and how it helps us to understand the society in which we live in. What is `Sociological Imagination'? To answer this question a person must first know what Sociology is. Sargent (1994) states that "There is no short answer... however, we can come to understand the nature of Sociology." It may be explained as the study of society. R.Van Kraken et all (2000) explains it in a more complex sense as "the description and analysis of the social forces that shape human behavior in contemporary social life." Sociological imagination is central to the study of society because it allows many of the perso...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Form, Content, and Subject Matter

Form, Content, and Subject Matter GENZ 220Z-Art Critique Paper Shelby M. Dykes In this paper, I will discuss the form, content, and subject matter of three different paintings. Each of the paintings represents the following: representational painting, abstract painting, and a portrait. The paintings I have chosen are: Edward Hopper’s Nighthawks 1942, Wassily Kodinsky’s Colour Studies: Squares and Concentrentic Circles 1913, and Pablo Picasso’s Self-Portrait 1907. Representational paintings show clear objects or events and have a clear subject matter in the painting.The subject matter is quite evident in Edward Hopper’s Nighthawks. The subject matter is the dominating, brightly lit diner. The diner is proportionately large. It is built on mostly straight lines, both vertical and horizontal. With the exception of the curve located at the intersection of the two streets. The line of the ceiling of the diner and the line of the green window ledge intersect wit h the vertical lines depicted by the window frame. The interaction of the horizontal and vertical lines seems to be an essential element in the painting.It produces a pronounced angularity in shape. The overall shape is a rectangle. This is seen with the windows of the diner, as well as, the vertical rectangle in the building in the background. I notice a triangle formed by the silver light on the background building’s window. The lines formed by the diner window seem to trap the people inside the ominous diner. The dramatic uses of light colors against dark colors add variety to the painting and give the painting the feeling of depth. The darkness seen outside the window really gives a feeling of impending doom to the customers inside.Outside, there is no one seen walking the street. The yellows painted show the electric light from inside the diner. This achieved by the high value of the yellow. The low value of green is evident in the building in the background. The brillia nt streak of green along the window sill is a great example of green at its saturation. The building is proportionately larger than the patrons sitting inside. The diner gives a feeling of doom and loneliness; this is the content. It seems as if Hopper wants us to see the people dining, but he does not emphasize the human element in the painting.It is strange that the window does not show a reflection of the viewer looking into it. The man sitting at the corner of the counter is dark and looks sinister. Is he a â€Å"bad guy? † Even the coffee pot behind the counter seems proportionately larger than the people. The coffee pot dominates the size of the people. I don’t see a door in the diner, are the customers â€Å"trapped? † the painting brings the suggestion of â€Å"once upon time. † Edward Hopper’s, Nighthawks, is a clear example of a representational painting.Although I think other participants would agree that the diner is the subject matter and the form is clear, would a viewer agree with the ominous, scary feeling that I feel makes up the content? Wassily Kandisky’s, Colour Studies: Squares and Concentric Circles is the painting I have chosen to demonstrate abstract painting. Abstract art does not have a recognizable subject matter. Instead the color, form, line, and even texture are clearly the subject. It is completely non-representational; the content is the feeling evoked by the color and form, etc.This painting represents something that is not visual. It represents a sound, emotion, or experience. Upon looking at this painting, I can see that Kandinsky used careful planning in the painting of what at first seems like â€Å"just circles. † The painting is making my eye look at the contrast of the color and the contrast of the shapes. The composition is made up of twelve sections of relatively equal portioned circles that are inside of squared-off into divisional angles. The square shape consumes all the space of the overlapping colors created by the circles.The painting has perfect balance, movement, rhythm, proportion, variety, and unity! Even texture is achieved by the circular lines and brush strokes. I can almost picture Kandinsky’s brush moving around the painting in quick, swooping motions. The linear design of the painting is clear with the vertical and horizontal, fine lines painted as squares. Without a doubt, the â€Å"all-at –onceness† of the painting is created by the color. Kandinsky used such a wide range of color techniques that when I close my eyes upon viewing the painting, the image is still present.The colors are bright primary and secondary colors mixed with more earthy hues. The two overlapping circles on the bottom left are made evident by the low value of the green mixing with the saturated red to create almost a black. The contrast created by the black and yellow square touching is eye-catching. The gradation in the upper left square is evident by the continuous changes from the swirl surrounding the circle. It changes from yellow to green, then to blue and back to yellow! Can you feel the excitement in my description?This is what the painting makes me feel while participating. Despite the sectioned off circles and squares, the painting demonstrates unity. That is, the painting forms togetherness, despite contrasts of details and regions. The color also helps define the depth. As depth was clearly seen in Nighthawks, the depth of Colour Studie is not as readily evident. Look at the bottom left square. The circle seems somewhat flat. Now view the upper left square. It gives the feeling of protrusion. It seems as if the circle is popping out of the square.On the other hand, the circle located in the upper right square seems like it is sunken into a spiral. This is achieved by Kandinsky’s ability to use different hues at minimal and maximum values around each circle. The bottom left circle seems like it is lacking depth due to the constant use of the saturated red and no visible contrasting colors swirling around it. The abstract art, Colour Studies: Squares and Concentric Circles, creates an intense feeling of â€Å"here and now. † That is an element that is often lacking in the representational paintings.The portrait painting I have selected is Pablo Picasso’s, Self-Portrait 1907. This is another example of abstract, even though it has a clear subject matter. The subject matter of course, is the man depicted in the painting, Pablo Picasso. The paining however, clearly demonstrates excellent use of line, texture, and color. All are seen in a very simple, non-confusing form. The painting looks like something I could have created, or even something found in a â€Å"coloring book. † The lines are so apparent that it looks like an outline could have been made and almost filled in with color.If I had to make an assumption, I would think that Picasso started the painti ng with eyes. The â€Å"all-at-onceness† of this painting is achieved by the hugely proportionate eyes and bold lines surrounding them. The distinct, awakeness of the eyes seems evident with the bold lines and brown hue in the pupils. Why are his eyes so much larger than the rest of the painting? I actually don’t think that in true relation to the facial features they are larger. The nose is distinct, as well as the ears, but the eyes still seem largely dominating.The lines that make up the nose and cheekbones are vertical and create an up and down movement with the eye. However, the up and down movement is over-shadowed by the horizontal movement the bold eyebrow line creates. Also over-shadowing is the circular bold lines of the eyes and eye lid creases. The lines making up the mouth are so much smaller. The color of the lips closely resembles the same hue of the surrounding skin itself. Did Picasso want us to see his eyes more blatantly or is that just the way he sa w himself, awake and aware? The lines painted also seem to be apparently painted with direct diagonal strokes.The line making up the forehead seems to come to a point of the jaw and cheek bone if it were extended. The diagonal lines in the collar of the shirt create shapes and give dimension without the use of heavy shading, which is so apparent in representational pieces. There is some slight shading on his right lapelle. This is created by variations in the value of the pale green color and darker olive green color created. I also notice the vertical symmetry achieved by the straight line from the nose, to the upper lip, and continued down to the straight line in the shirt.These vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines all come together to give the painting balance. Texture may be seen in the brush strokes of the hair. Each stroke seems uniquely defined with a bit of space left between them to give the impression of the hair stranded â€Å"clumping† together on the forehead . Texture is also seen is the redness created in the skin surrounding the nose. The skin appears to be rougher in touch in the areas. Texture in the painting is created on both the right and left of the jaw in the orange background.The viewer’s right side seems to have less paint giving it a high value of orange. The viewer’s left side of the painting seems like more paint was used to create a low value of the orange. The color used creates that of warm feelings. The earth tones seen are orange, brown, peach, and pale green. Look at the value of color in the ear. You can see where white was added to the lobe of the ear in comparison to the distinct peach found in the inner ear. The pink added above the eye brow is also seen under the eye, on the side of the nose, and under the tough jaw line.This does give the perception of depth in the facial features. The portrait of Picasso is clear in content. He evokes feelings of awareness, even though he appears to be wearing so mething similar to that of a â€Å"Halloween mask. † The portrait is distinctly abstract, although clear subject matter is defined. In conclusion, the three works of art chosen represent three different types of paintings. All have distinct content, even though the subject matter is not always apparent. This shows that both subject matter and form will help the viewer participate in the art work to determine the content.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Marketing Strategy for Decline Stage Essay

Marketing Strategy for Decline Stage Posted on April 2, 2012 by admin in Marketing. The main characteristics of the maturity stage which help to define the appropriate marketing strategies are Sales of most product forms and brands eventually decline Decline may be due to Technical advances which lead to better substitutes Change in customer taste with time Increase in competition Lower sales volume leads to Over capacity Increases price cutting Profit erosion Carrying a weak product may be very costly if there are no suitable strategic reasons to keep the prodict alive in the market. To handle declining sales, marketing strategy could be Increase firms invest to dominate market/strength competitive position Maintain investments in innovations and R&D until uncertainties above industry are resolved Decrease firms invest, selectively by dropping unprofitable products and focus on nice areas and profitable products Harvesting or divesting the product as per the GE Matrix strategic growth model. Appropriate marketing strategy for this phase depends completely on Industry’s relative attractiveness and Company’s strength in the industry. If the industry is attractive and company has significant strength in the industry then the company may decide to hold the product or brand even if sales volume decline during this phase. Post Tagged with Decline Stage, Marketing Strategy, PLC ↠ Previous Post If you enjoyed this article please consider sharing it! Next Post → Like 1/5 9/4/13 Marketing Strategy for Decline Stage | CrackMBACrackMBA Search Categories open all | close all Banking (114) Finance Wiki (183) HRM (9) Important Alert/News (95) Marketing (23) Online Fraud (1) Operations (20) Practice Tests (115) Previous Papers (24) Quiz (505) Strategy (8) Systems/IT (38) E-Mail Subscription Enter your email address: 2/5 9/4/13 Marketing Strategy for Decline Stage | CrackMBACrackMBA Subscribe Delivered by FeedBurner Pages open all | close all Finance Wiki Marketing Strategy Systems/IT HRM Operations Quiz Banking Alerts/News IBPS Online Fraud Recent Posts Previous Papers Practice Tests Tags Banking Awareness Quiz Banking Glossary Banking Quiz Banking Terms Banking Bonds Business Quiz Capital Market Computer Awareness Quiz Computer Quiz Data Quiz CMM Interpretation Debt Securities DI Different Funds English Exam Alert Finance Quiz Financial Ratio Analysis IBPS IBPS Quiz Interview Alert Logical Reasoning LR Marketing Marketing Awareness Quiz Marketing Quiz Mathematics MBA Admission 3/5 9/4/13 Marketing Strategy for Decline Stage | CrackMBACrackMBA MBA Quiz Options PO MBA Result Alert Practice Test Previous Paper Probationary Officers Quantitative Aptitude RBI RBI Assistant Recruitment Alert Risk SBI SBI PO Exam Specialist Officers Verbal Ability .. Current Affairs Business News GK Quiz Updates Current Affairs India – 3 September 2013 Sep 3, 2013 1. Indian Parliament gave its nod to the landmark Food Security Bill yesterday which seeks to provide highly subsidised foodgrains to†¦ Current Affairs Global – 3 September 2013 Sep 3, 2013 1. Ronald Coase, the British-born US economist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1991, passed away yesterday in†¦ GK Quiz – 3 September 2013 Sep 3, 2013 GK Quiz – 3 September 2013 4401 â€Å"World Population Day† is observed on _____________. A) 6-July B)†¦ Microsoft to acquire Finish phone maker Nokia’s mobile phone unit Sep 3, 2013 Global tech giant Microsoft has agreed to acquire Finish mobile maker Nokia’s mobile phone business for 5.4 billion euros†¦ Verizon to acquire Vodafone’s 45% stake in its US business for USD 130 billion; one of the largest deals in corporate history Sep 3, 2013 US mobile giant Verizon Communicat ions Inc agreed to acquire Vodafone Group Plc’s 45% stake in Verizon Wireless in a†¦ 4/5 9/4/13 Marketing Strategy for Decline Stage | CrackMBACrackMBA CrackM BA – If it’s ’bout M BA, it’s @ CrackM BA. Colorway WordPress Theme by 5/5

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Teen Influences to Use Marijuana †Health Essay

Teen Influences to Use Marijuana – Health Essay Free Online Research Papers Among all illicit drugs marijuana is the most commonly used drug by teenagers. Its effects give the user a â€Å"lifted† feeling. The long-term effects of marijuana are ten times worse than tobacco. Marijuana is the most highly illegal used drug by teenagers because of its feel good effects and how easy it is to obtain. Most teens use marijuana out of curiosity. They hear about it in school and wonder how it will make them feel. Peer pressure, the influence of other family members, and disagreements with parents is some other major reasons teens use it. The influence of peers and family members is a major reason why teens decide to smoke marijuana. When pressure is put on most teens, they have a major desire to become accepted, or fill some type space where they think they need to be at, and they really don’t need to. Some teens will do anything to fill that space, and they will fall into drugs, sex, crime, etc. Other influences include anxiety, anger, depression, boredom, and a number of other things. The rate of marijuana use does not differentiate among race; the use percentage among all races is about the same. (Marijuana) Marijuana is used in many different ways. The most popular and longest used method is the joint. A joint is a hand rolled cigarette with marijuana inside. Blunts are also becoming more popular. A blunt is a cigar in which the tobacco is replaced with marijuana. Other methods include using glass tubes, also known as bongs, pipes, and eating. An example is mixing marijuana with brownie mix and baking it. Other bizarre ways to use marijuana include using an apple as pipe, and using other objects such as milk cartons, or soda bottles. Marijuana is also used in many combinations with other drugs. Joints are sometimes dipped into PCP and smoked. Mixing marijuana with other drugs may increase the intoxicating effects, depending on the type of drug it is mixed with and the type of marijuana it is. Obtaining marijuana is very easy. Most teenagers obtain marijuana for free by being share it with their friends. Females are more likely to share than males. Most males buy their marijuana. Marijuana is easily purchased at school or in local neighborhoods. It can be obtained from friends or from the â€Å"neighborhood dope man†. It can also be grown. In most schools across the United States there is at least one drug dealer. It’s very easy to obtain and buy.(method) A number of different things can happen to marijuana users. They become may overly interested in ordinary, everyday things. They forget about other important things and focus on silly things. For example, the user might find his/ her shoe very interesting to look at. They may focus on it for long periods of time. Also, time seems to pass very slowly. To someone that is high, minutes feel like hours. This makes the effects of marijuana feel even longer than the three or four hours they really last. The user feels relaxed and his/her blood pressure drops below normal. This happens because marijuana makes the blood vessels expand. Along with these effects there is a loss of balance and disorientation. The user becomes very sleepy and feels loose, causing a tired feeling while under the influence of marijuana. The user might become very hungry and has a sudden urge to eat a lot of food. This effect is called having the â€Å"munchies†. While using marijuana, the user’s mout h may also become very dry. This effect is called having â€Å"cottonmouth†. Depending on what type of marijuana there may be hallucinations. (Neuroscience) The effects of marijuana are determined by several different things. The first is what type of marijuana that is taken. A type of marijuana called chronic causes you to have different types of hallucinations. Second, what other drugs marijuana is mixed with. Third is the way it is taken. The effects of smoking come quicker but last shorter when it is smoked. When it is eaten the effects come slower and last much longer. The fourth thing is the user’s anticipation. This means what the user thinks is going to happen. Finally the effects are determined by where the drug is taken. (Marijuana) Is marijuana addictive? It’s definitely not as addicting as alcohol or cocaine. But, marijuana does show addictive properties. Humans do show signs of withdrawal when away from regular use of a drug. In spite of this statement the drug is still very controllable. Because of the ability to control use of the drug is another reason why teens choose to turn to marijuana. Some teens may be chronic users and truly are addicted to the drug. The addiction part is much more mental than it is physical. The person thinks that they have to have the drug. They think that they have to get it. But really, it’s just because they like the effects of it and they desire more of it. (Marijuana What) Marijuana goes by many different names. In fact there are over 1000 different aliases for this one drug. The most popular include, â€Å"pot,† â€Å"weed,† â€Å"Mary Jane,† â€Å"refer,† and â€Å"bud†. Others include â€Å"boom,† â€Å"grass,† â€Å"green,† â€Å"stank,† â€Å"dat stuff,† â€Å"skunk,† â€Å"kush,† and â€Å"dank.† Marijuana can also be named after the dealer that gives it to you. Other influences to use marijuana come from mass media. For example, in music, Three 6 Mafia has a song called â€Å"Bin Laden†. In the first verse DJ Paul, a member of the rap group, says, â€Å"I swear sometimes I got to get high to hang around my h, Sometimes I feel I got to get high to hang round n I know†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Three 6 Mafia) Three 6 Mafia is a rap group known for their catchy beats and hard lyrics. They are role models and people, especially teens, look up to them. If they talk about smoking marijuana in their songs then that’s what their listeners are going to be influenced to do. Another way from the media is through movies. The movie â€Å"Friday† is about two friends, Smokey (Chris Tucker) and Craig (Ice Cube), which live in the hood in Los Angeles, CA. Smokey gets some weed from the neighborhood dope dealer Big Worm (Faizon Love) and volunteers to sell it for him. Instead Smokey lives up to his name and smokes up all the weed, and he gets Crai g started on it too. But Big Worm says he needs his money by ten o’clock that night, so they go through a number of tasks to try to get the money.(Friday) I’ve seen the movie, it’s hilarious, and when you make smoking marijuana funny it tells teens that if they smoke marijuana they will be funny also. Others include television shows, jewelry, and clothing. As you can see, there are many different reasons why marijuana is turned to. These influences are just going to keep growing. The more teens are influenced the more they are going to influence. That’s with everything, not just marijuana. But because of the influences listed above, marijuana is the most illegally used drug by teens. Research Papers on Teen Influences to Use Marijuana - Health EssayUnreasonable Searches and SeizuresThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UsePersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenStandardized TestingIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesHip-Hop is Art

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Light of Liturgy essays

The Light of Liturgy essays In the reading of Exposition of the Ancient Gallican Liturgy, St. Germanus explains the Gallican Mass. One main idea that is clear is during the liturgy music is used at certain points and that the music has certain meanings and structures. The Gallican Mass is made up of different sections. There are two main sections: Fore-mass and the Eucharist. The Fore-mass is broken down into the Preface, Kyrie and Gloria, Readings, Silence, the Aius, Prophecy, the Prophet and the Apostle, the Hymn, Gospel. The Eucharist consists of the Homilies, Prayer, Catechumens, Sonum, Lords Prayer and the Blessing. In this paper only the Fore-mass will be discussed with example of music structure. The description from the Exposition of the Ancient Gallican Liturgy mainly is a description of a mass service which would have place during the eight century A.D. Just to give a quick history of the meaning of liturgy. The word liturgy comes from the Greek word leitourgia, which means public work. This is so because the liturgy is perceived to be when a group of people gather around an altar and prepare for the sacrifice of the Lamb of God. For such an event to take place there would be need for a very structured ritual. Hence we have a liturgy. The Gallican mass began by a Preference. The basic introduction began by opening with a hymn of the Lords death (p. 165). The meaning toward the song is about the Lords death. This song may be used to help the congregation in preserving life and eternal peace as well as rooting out evil. The sung portion of the introduction has two chanting styles. Using the example on page 8 in the NAWM, the first way is used to sing the psalm. The melody has basically the same pitch. Style two has more notes which mean its the antiphon or the music that precedes the psalm. The Readings follow the Preference, but first there is an antiphon that beings the section of the Reading,...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Comparing Past Participles in Spanish and English

Comparing Past Participles in Spanish and English You dont have to look far to see the close relationship between English and the languages derived from Latin. While the similarities are most obvious in vocabulary, English also includes key aspects of its grammar that have analogs in Latin-based languages, including Spanish. Among them is the past participle, an extremely useful type of word that can be used, in English as well as Spanish, as either part of a verb form or as an adjective. Forms Taken by Past Participles Past participles in English arent always as obvious as they are in Spanish, because they often take the same form as the past tense, in that they usually end in -ed. In the verb form, you can tell when an -ed verb is functioning as a past participle in that it is combined with some form of the verb to have. For example, worked is a past-tense verb in the sentence I worked but a past participle in I have worked. Less commonly, a past participle can also be used in the passive voice: In The play is produced, produced is a past participle. Spanish past participles typically end in -ado or -ido, thus bearing a vague similarity to the English equivalents. But their form is distinct from the simple past tenses, which include words such as comprà © (I bought) and vinieron (they came). Both Spanish and English have numerous irregular past participles, especially of common verbs. In English, many, but far from all, end in -en: broken, driven, given, seen. Others dont follow that pattern: made, hurt, heard, done. In Spanish, nearly all of the irregular past participles end in -cho or -to: dicho, from decir (to say); hecho, from hacer (to make or to do); puesto, from poner (to put); and visto, from ver (ver). Here are some of the most common irregular past participles in Spanish: Abierto (from abrir, to open)Cubierto (from cubrir, to cover)Escrito (from escribir, to write)Frito (from freà ­r, to fry)Impreso (from imprimir, to print)Muerto (from morir, to die)Roto (from romper, to break)Vuelto (from volver, to return) Using Past Participles as Adjectives Another similarity between English and Spanish is that past participles are frequently used as adjectives. Here are a few examples that the two languages share: Estoy satisfecho. (Im satisfied.)Los Estados Unidos. (The United States.)El hombre confundido. (The confused man.)Pollo frito. (Fried chicken.) In fact, while it often is awkward to do so, most verbs in either language can be converted to adjectives by using the past participle. Because they function as adjectives in such Spanish usages, they must agree in both number and gender with the nouns they accompany. The same is true in Spanish when the past participle follows a form of either ser or estar, both of which are translated as to be. Examples: Los regalos fueron envueltos. (The gifts were wrapped.)Las computadoras fueron rotas. (The computers were broken.)Estoy cansada. (I am tired, said by a female.)Estoy cansado. (I am tired, said by a male.) In Spanish, many past participles can also be used as nouns, simply because adjectives can be freely used as nouns when the context makes their meaning clear. One sometimes seen in news stories is los desaparacidos, referring to those who have disappeared due to oppression. Frequently, adjectives used as nouns are translated using the English one as in los escondidos, the hidden ones, and el colorado, the colored one. This phenomenon also appears in English, although less commonly in Spanish. For example, we might talk about the lost or the forgotten where lost and forgotten functioning as nouns.) Using the Past Participle for the Perfect Tenses The other major use of the past participle is to combine with the verb haber in Spanish or to have: in English (the verbs probably have a common origin) to form the perfect tenses. Generally speaking, the perfect tenses are used to refer to actions that are or will be completed: He hablado. (I have spoken.)Habr salido. (She will have left.) ¿Has comido?  (Have you eaten?) As you can see, the past participle is one of the ways that verbs in both Spanish and English gain their versatility and flexibility. Watch for uses of the past participle in your reading, and you may be surprised to see how often the word form is put to good use. Key Takeaways Past participles function very similarly in English and Spanish, as they are both verb forms that can function as adjectives and sometimes as nouns.Past participles combine with haber in Spanish and have in English to form the perfect tenses.Regular past participles end in -ed in English and -ado or -ido in Spanish.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Ethics of Euthanasia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethics of Euthanasia - Essay Example This is because it defines the extent to which institutional leaders and the political class are trusted to act with the interest of the public. This trust defines the public expectations on its government. Therefore, the public form an attitude based on the values and expectations they have from their government. A government that operates without integrity will have its citizens have a negative attitude from it and as such decline their support for any programs intended by the government or even their policies will be suspected and feared. Additionally, Trust promotes development (Frederickson, & Ghere, 2013). This is because trust in the institutions is critical for the success of most government policies, programs and other regulations that the citizens should cooperate and comply with. Governments and institutional policies are thus supposed to be made in a process that is conducive to trust. The strength of the institutions is determined but the process of policy making and as such translates to the public trust in the governments. The public trust gives the government ease of policy making and enforcement because the public attitude is good about the government and it policies. Moreover, trust is very essential all for the key economic activities especially finance (Haggard, & Tiede, 2011). Trust will ensure an increased confidence of the investors as well as that of consumers. There is need for implementation of open government policies that involve partnerships with the private sector and even the civil societies. The increased investor confidence due to this openness will result in to good investments that would translate to the overall growth of the economy. Lack of integrity on the other hand will result in to the loss of public trust in the government and its institutions. This will scare away investors, consumers will not have the confidence in the same and this will result in stagnation of economic growth. Finally, the most important